Englischcamps mit Pfiff! seit 1989
General Information for all Camps
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Medical Care
- According to the Austrian social security laws you are health insured. Sick leave is not paid for.
- Prescribed medicine usually costs EUR 6,50. Fees may undergo slight changes.
- Should you wish to use your insurance for your private purposes, you are free to do so on your free days or right after the camp is over.
- N.B. All the doctor appointments need to be arranged well in advance.
- Salary may vary and depends on the position and qualifications.
- Taxes are the responsibility of the employee.
- The salary quoted is gross. According to the Austrian social security laws the obligatory fee (appr. 17% of your gross income)
will be deducted from your wages (see contract).
The rest (27,50%) is paid by the employer. - The fee comprises health and retirement insurance. Certain intergovernmental agreements regulate the transfer of the social security contribution to your retirement plan in your home country.
- You are fully insured for the period of your employment but sick leave is not paid for.
- Meals on your days off are not paid for.
- Travel expenses (group train tickets) within Austria to and from the camp in Lachstatt, Upper Austria are the responsibility of the employer.
- Taxi transfer from/to the main train station in Linz to/from the camp on arrival and departure is the responsibility of the employer.
- Payment modus: after the first two-week course approx. 75% of the salary for this course. The rest will be paid on the departure
- The staff training lasts for 1 - 2 days and is mandatory for all the staff members. It is not paid but accommodation and lunch is provided.
- Staff members are personally responsible for keys, sports and teaching materials.
Termination of Agreement
- The contract continues only as long as the staff member complies with its terms, displays appropriate conduct and fulfils his duties for which he/she has been hired.
- In case of early departure or dismissal from the camp, the salary will be prorated.
If the departure is without approval, all salary rights are forfeited.