Application Procedure

Please read the general information, requirements and responsibilities carefully before you decide to apply for a job. Once your application has been approved, you will receive another link with further, detailed information on working conditions, payment, insurance, camp info and travel details.

You can apply for the job on-line or print the application forms out and send them to our office in Vienna per snail mail.

N.B. You can send us your CV per email to support our application form. However, in order to proceed with your application you need to fill in the E4Kids® application form.


Step 1

Fill in and submit the Online Application Form

Step 2

Once your application has been approved you need to send us the following documents either per email oder per snail mail:

Travel details


Work Permit

Non-EU citizens need to have a valid residence and a work permit in order to work in Austria.
If you do not have the two above mentioned permits you are not eligible for work in Austria.
Work permits are not granted to non-EU citizens.

Non-EU citizens officially enrolled at a university in Austria are eligible for work in Austria. If you want to apply for a job, please follow the application procedure for a work permit (see below)

Canadian exchange students on SWAP programme are eligible for work in Austria.

N.B. Having a residence permit does not necessarily mean that you are eligible for work in Austria. If your status is not clear to you, please contact us via our Secure contact form

Application for a work permit / non EU citizens
enrolled full time at the Austrian university

Documents required:

The application process takes from four to six weeks.
